
This is Keihan's collection of various toys, pixel art, stickers, pixel clubs, etc! Clicking them will take you to their source whenever possible! Ones made by Keihan will say so via link and hover! Please note that some of these are pretty old, so some sources are through the wayback machine. For sources that are unreachable or deactivated, the source will display via hover. If you have the source to an unsourced toy or pixel, PLEASE let me know!
This is separate from the Materials page. You can also find Keihan's pixel vpets and vpet bases in their Vpet Registry! This page is currently a place for me to stick these pixels and collections; I plan on formatting it a bit more soon.

Remember to visit the source if you like any of these!!


These are currently sorted by size and vibes, but I'll be redoing this section in the future to be a bit more cute and organized!



Hey! Did you know? This page is under construction!!

   My Sticker Sheet   

Sticker Sheet Club!

Sticker sheet club is SO CUTE!! Everyone's made such cute stickers, I'm looking forward to making my own, too! For now, I'm just collecting other people's stickers until I have something I love ready to share.



You can make your own gifypet with a pet gif and a background by following the link at the bottom of the game!! You can't customize events or sounds, but it's cute, give it a go!

my objets

collected objets


The Objets case I'm using is a recolor of the regular Objets case, but made to look like my IRL Caboodles case. I absolutely LOVE Objets, and am still drafting my own to join properly!

Let's get legendarily lost... together <3